Drug Information System - Slovakia
Slovak language

Welcome to the home-page of the Drug Information System - Slovakia.

You will find information, both in English and Slovak languages, addressed to the public, to journalists, to experts and to policy makers responsible for the measures against the nightmare named "drugs". These pages are under continual construction. Please remember this is our preliminary effort !

Statistical data

Formal public documents - provided by the General Secretariat of the Board of Ministers for Drug Dependencies and Drug Control The English version is not available yet !

Some facts about drugs accessible in Slovakia The English version is not available yet !

Practical information The English version is not available yet !

Computer education programs about drugs

Oral stories !!! - interesting reading

Thank you for your attention ! We welcome comments about the form and content of these pages and also your contributions. Your ideas may produce new policies and solutions ! Send email anytime.

These web pages are the part of the PHARE project Drug Information Systems coordinated by the consortium MSDP, Amsterdam.

Pages are developed and maintained by the association DataBase Consulting, Bratislava and the foundation Drug and You, Bratislava with the support from PHARE's Fight Against Drugs Program and the General Secretariat of the Board of Ministers for Drug Dependencies and Drug Control.